The following statement comes from Claire Hawthorne ‘21, a Social Media coordinator for the Amherst College STEM Incubator Program.

The Incubator is a 6-week skills-development program based on a multidisciplinary STEM-focused curriculum that fosters a stronger sense of belonging, strengthens research and career-readiness, and increases the retention and success of our underrepresented minority (URM) and first-generation and low-income (FLI) students within STEM disciplines at Amherst College. While the Incubator works diligently to better prepare the next generation of scientists from URM backgrounds, we also wanted to highlight those who are already making big impacts on a variety of STEM disciplines. In the upcoming weeks, we will post short biographies about underrepresented minorities in STEM. With this series, we hope to give more visibility to amazing work we see in the field and to encourage those who are unsure of their place in STEM that there’s a whole community behind them.