Category: Profiles

Amherst College Science Center

Environmental Justice: An Interview with Professor Ashwin Ravikumar


The Roots of Environmental Justice Professor Ashwin Ravikumar is an assistant professor of Environmental Studies. His research interests involve deforestation in the Amazon. This semester, he is teaching a class entitled “Environmental Justice” about the intersections between environmentalism and other forms of social justice. I sat down with him (over Zoom) to talk about environmental…

Supporting PEERs in Biology: An Interview with Prof. Josef Trapani

Joe Trapani

Prof. Trapani joined Amherst College in 2011. He is an Associate Professor in the Biology Department and also contributes to the Neuroscience program. He has chaired the Biology department since July this year. His research involves the use of the model organism larval zebrafish to look at how hair cells encode information which leads to…

The Moss Quantitative Center: An Interview with Director Dr. Innes

With final exams coming up, students are looking for all the extra help they can get. This help can be found at the Moss Quantitative Center, where undergraduate tutors and staff can help with STEM subjects. The Q Center has an interesting history, as Dr. Innes explained: “It actually was created, in its earliest form,…

A Summer at Scrub Pocket

scrub pocket

Hello everyone! I’m Julia Zabinska, a rising junior at Amherst majoring in neuroscience and French on a pre-med path. I’ve been writing for the STEM Network since February now, and I am a Summer Reporter for the newsletter. To give you guys a little background on my internships this summer, I started out working with…